Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Medicare Open Enrollment Oct 15 – Dec 7

Medicare Open Enrollment Oct 15 – Dec 7

The 2018 Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP) begins October 15 and runs until December 7.  This is the time of year to make changes to your Medicare Advantage (also called Medicare Part C) or Medicare Prescription Drug insurance plans.  Medicare is available to people age 65 or older, and certain people receiving social security disability insurance.

Like prior years, there will be many changes in 2018.  Plan designs, copays and drug formularies have changed, along with premiums and benefits.  Many doctors have changed the types of plans they will and will not accept.  So now is a good time to review your coverage.

In 2018, will be able to help you with the following companies offering Medicare Advantage Plans.

has come to Washington in 2018 with a 5 Star rating. This is the highest Medicare rating and also means you can enroll all year without a Special Election Period. Did you know that Swedish Medical is Providence Health?  They will offer a $0 HMO and a $59 HMO/POS which allow you to go out of network without a referral.  Plans include Silver Sneakers and many additional benefits.


who already offers competitive PPO plans, (no referrals or Doctor is Out of Network) with either a $51 or $86 monthly premium. In 2018 they’ve added 2 HMO plans, with premium of $0 and $32.  Aetna offers some unique benefits that make it easy to find doctors when out of the area.  Plan includes Silver Sneakers, covers Generic medications when in the donut hole and $0 copay for a 90 day supply for mail order Generic Drugs.

has remained a strong provider of coverage.  I am very excited about the plans offered in 2018!  Humana has expanded their provider network and improved their Prescription Drug formulary.  Humana which already offered a $0 premium plan in King County, now offers a $0 premium plan in Snohomish County!

Humana plans also includes additional benefits like:

$0 copay for PCP Office Visits 
$0 copay for 90 days supply of mail order generic drugs




Silver Sneakers

$50 every 3 months for Over the Counter Drugs

has excellent benefits and coveage.  It offers 4 plan options,  including a $0 premium option.  Soundpath plans include Silver & FitVision

 offers excellent benefits and coverage.  The Classic HMO is a $0 premium option.  Plan benefits include Silver SneakersVision,  preventive Dental and $10 per quarter for  Over the Counter drugs.  

formally known as Group Health continues to offer excellent service and coverage.  They offer an variety of plans to choose from.  Plans include Silver Sneakers 

In 2018 Regence will introduce a $0 premium HMO, this plan will be added to their other choices which include a PPO plan accepted by most doctors. Plans include Silver & Fit.

a trusted names in the Northwest offers 3 plan choices including a $0 premium option.  Premera offers an extensive provider network.

Are you one of the people who receives both Medicare and Medicaid?  You would know because, in addition to a Medicare card you would have a blue, State of Washington Services Card Molina, Amerigroup and Humana offer excellent plans with many additional benefits like Dental, Vision, Over the Counter drugs and Silver Sneakers.  But even more important, it is so much easier to find a doctor with one of these plans versus Medicaid.

When it comes to filling the gaps left by Original Medicare, there are 2 ways to do it.  You can choose one of the Medicare Advantage plans, like the ones described, or you can use a Medicare Supplement and a Part D Prescription Drug plan.  

The advantage of this method is lower out of pocket expense and no provider networks.  Most Medicare Advantage plans have an Out Of Pocket Maximum in excess of $6,500. 
This means you could pay that amount in a year.  With a Supplement, even though the monthly premium is more, your potential exposure is less.   Some of the choices to consider:

Plan F – all medical/doctor cost are paid, you pay nothing

Plan G – all medical/doctor cost are paid except the Medicare Part B deductible of $183

High Deductible Plan F – all medical/doctor cost are paid after you pay $2,200 deductible.

Rates vary by company, would you like a quote?    Supplements do not include prescription drug coverage.   

For prescription drug plans: 

Humana offers 3 plan choices including the famous
Walmart plan with a $20.40 premium. 


Aetna, Coventry and Regence (under the name Asuris) offer excellent plans and coverage. 

425-814-6378 or 206-227-6677